Spring Fayre Market Trader’s Guide

Essential information

WBR Xmas Market Poster

The Spring Fayre, supported by Hammersmith & Fulham Council, is a full, temporary street closure event with Market Stalls, Street Food, Arts & Crafts, Live Music, Games and more right on the Wandsworth Bridge Road!


SUNDAY 11th MAY 2025
11.00 – 17.00


The Spring Fayre is on Wandsworth Bridge Road from the junction at Ryecroft Street to the junction of Hugon Road. There will be two stages set up for music; one at the Hazlebury Road junction and one near Narborough Street at the southern end of the market. (see maps below)

The Fayre area will include a variety of sections; Shopping, Arts & Crafts; Street Food; Music; Fun Fair stalls and Children’s Games; Heritage and History.

If you haven’t done so already, register to take part here.

Layout of the spring fayre

Spring Fayre Map layout 2024
Map overview 2024

Click to see larger image

(exact layout subject to change)

LBHF Parking and Highways will divert traffic along alternate routes, while leaving local access only.

Things we need from you

In order to secure your place at the WBR Spring Fayre you must complete the following two steps:


  1. Provide all relevant documentation
    We must have copies of all required documents (see below) no later than Sunday 13th April.
  2. Pay your invoice for Stall / Space hire
    We will send you an invoice, payable on receipt, once we have approved your application.
    Your reservation is not confirmed until your invoice is paid in full. Non payment will result in your place being offered to the next person on the waiting list. 

Required Documents

On the day from 10am there will be Council officers checking TEN licences and Food Hygiene certificates, safety documents, etc. Please ensure you have all relevant documentation with you and ready! This includes all of the items already mentioned above plus any gas cylinder safety certificates.

Public Liability Insurance
All traders selling or offering goods are required to provide a copy of their Public Liability Insurance cover of at least £5 million (preferably £10m). If you don't already have your own Insurance, Single Day Stall holder insurance cover can be obtained for around £27 for a one-day cover from: https://www.cmtia.co.uk/who-we-insure/one-day-traders/ or from: https://www.nmtf.co.uk.

Food Hygiene Certificates
If you are selling or offering food, you will need to have a Food Hygiene Certificate (ideally Level 2 or above) issued within the last 3 years for every person serving food.

If you don’t have one already, please see the link to an online course. It only takes a couple hours to complete and costs £20+vat: https://www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/food-hygiene.

If you need a 'refresher' course: https://food-safety.org.uk/courses/food-hygiene-refresher-course-online This is around £12.

NEW: Food Hygiene Rating requirement: A Food Hygiene Rating is now mandatory for ALL food traders, including those who prepare their food at home. If they do not already have a food rating please register your business with your local council. (Here is Hammersmith & Fulham's: https://www.lbhf.gov.uk/business/food-safety/food-business-information) Once registration is complete, you will receive an email confirmation, which is sufficient for you to begin trading.
food rating
Note you will also need your Food Safety Management system. (see guidance document here. Please have a thorough read of this to avoid any issues). The Food Safety doc is simply a checklist stating the steps you've taken in your preparation of food to ensure it is safe. You must bring this with you on the day and it can simply be an A4 sheet to show the council officer.

NEW: The council have provided this handy Checklist to ensure you have everything you need. 

ON THE DAY: If you are selling or offering food (even freebies or tastings) the Council will need to see:

    • Food Hygiene Rating: Minimum rating 3 (provide a copy)
    • Food Hygiene Certificate for the person/s serving on the day
    • A list of any allergens. Read more here. (must be clearly displayed on the day). Download an Allergen Checklist here
    • Food safety management system/ HACCP (see here)
    • Gas safety certificate (where applicable). Please also take the time to read the NCASS, GAS Safety checklist for DO’S & DON’TS and keep your staff, public and yourself safe
    • Electrical safety certificate (PAT) for all electrical appliances or equipment. (where applicable)
    • Clean water: Food traders must have a mobile wash basin for hand washing. 

For mobile food businesses who regularly take part in street events you may want to consider membership to the NCASS, where you can get support and templates/documentation. There is an annual fee but could be an option as they provide support for caterers that need help with Documentation / Health & Safety.

Risk Assessment
All participants should have a basic Risk Assessment to cover your activity .e.g trips and falls, and your steps / plan to manage these. You can read more about these on the British Safety Council website here.

For Hot Food / Mobile Caterers:
• Fire Risk Assessment- Mobile caterers must conduct a thorough fire risk assessment. This assessment considers fire hazards related to electricity, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), and other factors. The assessment should be carried out by a competent person and documented appropriately.
• Fire Extinguishers
• Fire Blanket: Additionally, having a fire blanket in the mobile catering unit is recommended. Fire blankets are useful for smothering small fires, especially those involving oil or fat.

DBS Certificate
If you are working with children in any capacity we will require a copy of your DBS certificate.

Please provide these as soon as possible via the form below.

Temporary Events Notice Licence (TEN)
If you are selling alcohol you will need to apply for a Temporary Events Notice Licence (TEN) via LBHF Council. Please obtain this as soon as possible as it takes at least 10 working days to be processed by the Council. (However, we will need to specify the location of your stall first, so please speak to us before applying). We will require a copy of the licence by Monday 28th April AND you must bring a copy with you on the day:  https://www.lbhf.gov.uk/business/licensing/guidance-applicants-and-businesses/temporary-event-notices

Once you have this you can upload via the form below.

Getting your goods to the Fayre


We aim to make this event as Green as possible. For those who can, we encourage you to come to the Fayre on public transport. Of course we appreciate that you may need to bring your goods in a vehicle.

9:00am access

You will only be able to access the area to set up from 9:00am only. Before this time the road is reserved for the stall hire and stage hire companies to erect all their equipment. If you arrive before 9:00 you will not be given access.

We operate a strict one-way system. From 8:30am all traders will need to queue at the North end only on Wandsworth Bridge Rd. You will not be allowed to enter from the South. Stewards will show you where to queue from 8:30am. From 9:00 you will be allowed access to your specific pitch. Our stewards will point you to the correct location. Once you have unloaded your equipment please drive back down the road where stewards will indicate where to park. Speed limit is 5mph and please have your warning lights on. There will be a lot of people on the road!

NB. All vehicles must leave the Fayre-section of the road no later than 10am.

We ask you to allow enough time to be ready to start by 10:45am.

After the event

We have VERY limited time to clear the road after the event as we have to reopen the road by 7:00pm. This means we require you to clear your stall as quickly as possible.

Please make sure you have fully packed up your goods and taken your rubbish and recycling to the bins BEFORE fetching your vehicle (if you have one). Stalls and Stage will begin to be dismantled from 5:30pm.

You will be able to access the road to load your vehicles but again we ask you to clear the road as soon as possible by 5:30pm. Speed limit is 5mph and please have your warning lights on. Again there will be a lot of people on the road!


We ask you to keep the area around your stall tidy and to manage all your own rubbish and recycling. There will be large rubbish bins at all road junctions and we ask you to empty your own rubbish into these.

There will be a First Aid and Lost & Found marquee near the centre of the Fayre near the Sainsbury’s Local at 132 Wandsworth Bridge Road, SW6 2UL.

If you need to contact security, litter pickers or one of the organisers please ask any of the yellow vest stewards at each junction who will be in constant radio-contact with the team.

There will be a professional photographer taking photos of the event between 11:30 and 2:30. We are hoping to make these available after the event. 


On Sundays there are no parking restrictions. The closest parking zones are Q and Z. You can see these zones here.

However do bear in mind there is a camera controlled traffic scheme on both the East and West sides of Wandsworth Bridge Road. The whole area is accessible but if your vehicle is not registered in Hammersmith and Fulham borough you will be fined £60 if you cross the camera points. These camera points are shown on this map here.


East of Wandsworth Bridge Road

Click maps to enlarge

West of Wandsworth Bridge Road

2025 West CAN Cameras

HIRING stalls

We are happy to provide Market Stalls for vendors who wish to use them. These will be pre-built, erected in the morning and ready for use on your arrival. This is a non-profit event and so all fees from stalls go directly towards the costs of running the Fayre.

Stalls hire info:

All stalls include a built-in table and covering. (See images below). Table Skirts and stall 'Backsheets' are available for those who need them.

  • Stall Size:  All stalls have a table area of 10 feet wide x 4 feet deep (3.05m x 1.22m) with a canopy cover that extends over making the overall size 10ft x 10ft (3.05m x 3.05m). Height to the table is 2’ 6” (.76m) (see images below)
  • Hire Cost:  £140 per stall (£120 per stall for WBR / local H&F businesses).
  • Special rates available for charities and young entrepreneurs. 

Note: Stalls are connected to their neighbour a minimum of 2 or 3 in a row. We will leave gaps between these groupings where possible for access and security.

Use your own marquee:

If you have your own marquee or pop-up you are welcome to use that instead. We will provide an empty space for this. Each empty pitch is a 3m x 3m space. You can hire more than one empty pitch. 

  • Non-hot food:  £100 (£80 for WBR / local H&F businesses) for a 10ft x 10ft (3m x 3m) space.
  • Serving Hot Food: £225 (£200 for WBR / local H&F businesses) for a 10ft x 10ft (3m x 3m) space.
  • Special rates available for charities and young entrepreneurs.

Please note: Refunds (minus £10 admin) will only be processed if you cancel at least 4 weeks before the event (13th April) – any cancellations after 13th April can not be refunded. See full T&Cs below.

    Stall Hire / Pitch Pricing

    As a non-profit event we aim to keep costs as low as possible. Please note that despite increased costs this year's pitch prices have remained the same as last year.

    Stall Hire price list 2024

    Example of stalls - click images to enlarge

    Download social media images

    Coming soon…

    Top tips to have a successful day

    Here are some Top Tips on how to make the most of the day

    • Be prepared – arrive early, ensuring you have plenty of time to set up and be prepared.
    • Setting up to sell – always take a look at your stand from across the road, not standing at it. Make sure it looks good from afar, to entice people to come have a look.
    • Optimise your ‘Brand’ – having a well thought out brand, (your logo, marketing materials, signage, colour schemes, etc) the more professional you will look and the more ‘trust’ your customers will have in your products. Encourage them to follow you on social media.
    • Weather – Don’t worry about bad weather – just be prepared. if it’s wet, just make sure you have waterproofs ready and warm clothing; if you’re comfy you’ll be a lot more in the right frame of mind to sell. Equally, if it’s really sunny and warm, have a sunhat, sunscreen and water to drink! May can be unpredictable so come dressed for the weather that day.
    • Cash float – never overlook the importance of having a healthy CASH float at the start of the day, avoid having to run around looking for change!
    • Battery power – if you’re selling via card readers make sure you have enough battery power, or spare  charger packs, to last the day. You don’t want to lose battery power halfway through!
    • Bring a ‘just-in-case’ toolkit – it’s a good idea to plan ahead for the unforeseen. Have some things like bungee cords, tape, scissors, marker pens, blu-tack, etc. just in case you suddenly need them. Also, have plenty of bags if using them (for customers to take away from the stall). Have a cash till/box/pouch to keep your money in!
    • Help out your customers – make it easy for them with everything clearly priced and easily understood. If you are selling jewelry, hats or clothing, provide a mirror so they can see themselves.
    • Think Green! – having eco-friendly, sustainable consumables is now the norm / expected. Please avoid single use plastic! Use paper bags, wooden cutlery, recyclable cups, provide recycle bins for your consumables (taster spoons/sticks, cups, etc). We strongly believe in a green economy and encourage you to make sustainable choices too.
    • Smiles make Sales – Joy is infectious – So have FUN! The more you can make people smile, the more joy you spread, the more they will like you and your products! Chat to people to find out what interests them; the more you can ask them questions the easier it is to genuinely connect to people. If they feel connected they are more likely to buy.
    • Network – talk to the other stall holders, introduce yourself, offer them discounts, share your experiences and learn from one another. Create those invaluable business-to-business connections.
    • Work the street – Feel free to offer vouchers, flyers, discounts or give something away for free (to entice people over to your stand). Or encourage people to come back with a discount voucher on a future purchase.

    Raise your profile with sponsorship

    Raise your profile at the event by sponsoring a section of the Fayre – We have numerous opportunities available for Sponsorship; from face painters, the Maypole, Picnic benches, Straw bales, Children’s games area, musicians and more. Please see details here or email us at info@wbrassociation.org.uk for more details and to see how we can help sell your brand at the Fayre.

    Tell us how it went

    After the day, tell us what you thought of the WBR Spring Fayre. Email us with your views: info@wbrassociation.org.uk.

    Upload your required documents

    Please provide all required documents here. We must have these in order to secure your place at the Spring Fayre.
    (If you are returning and just need to upload your TEN Licence click here)

    (Please be patient while the form loads below)

    All data is held securely in accordance with our Privacy Policy and is GDPR compliant. Your data is never shared with 3rd parties.

    TEN Licence

    Once you have obtained your TEN Licence please upload here:

    Supported by Hammersmith & Fulham Council

    LBHF logo

    Terms and Conditions


    You agree to provide all relevant documentation to us no later than Sunday 13th April (4 weeks prior to event). Failure to provide required documents may result in the cancellation of your reservation. Documents may include copies of: Liability Insurance, Food Hygiene Certificate, DBS Certificate, TEN (Temporary Events Notice) Licence or any other documentation requested.


    You agree to pay your stall / space hire fees upon receipt of invoice. Payments not received by the 13th April (4 weeks prior to event) will result in the cancellation of your reservation.


    You agree to be set up and ready to trade by 10:45am. Please ensure you allow enough time to set up.

    Waste & Sustainability Guidelines

    Each stall holder is responsible for their own rubbish.

    Each stall holder selling a consumable product MUST provide their own bins. Ideally you would have a mixed waste bin and a dry, recycling bin (if your product has a recyclable container) that are clearly labeled.

    Each stall holder will be responsible for placing their full bin bags in the large council rubbish bins that will be placed up and down the WBR.

    Each stall holder is to take any large packing items / stall decorations away with them to dispose of at the end of the event.

    If you are serving a consumable food or drink we kindly ask that you provide an eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic such as returnable, biodegradable or compostable items.

    If you create waste-oil or contaminated waste-water from your stand then it is to be taken OFF SITE at the end of the event, not out down the drains on the road.

    If you are distributing flyers or printed marketing / promotional materials please ensure that these are given out responsibly. A large poster that interested parties can take a photo of or that contains a QR code is not only better for the environment but much more cost effective.


    If you require power you are advised to use battery power where possible. For Wandsworth Bridge Road businesses we ask you to use power from your own business premises. We may provide generators but this is still TBC and would require fees. If we do not use generators, and you are a visiting stall holder that requires electricity, we will endeavour to put you in touch with an existing business on the street to connect to their supply for which they may charge.. Any business on the road supplying power to a stall, their own or others, takes full responsibility for the supply and must ensure all cables are secure, safe and meet Health and Safety requirements.

    Gas Equipment

    Gas equipment can be used on site as long as traders have with them up to date safety documentation/certification and can demonstrate that the cylinders are secured.

    Cancellation and Refunds

    Refunds (minus a £10 admin fee) will only be processed if you cancel at least four weeks before the event 13th April (4 weeks prior to event). Any cancellations after 13th April will not be refunded.

    The Wandsworth Bridge Road Association (WBRA) reserves the right to cancel the event or individual bookings. In the unlikely event of the WBRA cancelling the event you will be issued with a full refund for your stalls hire. The WBRA will not be held liable for any losses incurred.

    Impact Assessment

    As per of our funding agreement with Hammersmith and Fulham Council we will be conducting a survey after the event for your feedback. This information will be held securely in accordance with GDPR. Hammersmith and Fulham Council ask for the names of the local businesses taking part and their trading addresses. By taking part in this event you agree for us to share your name and business address with the council.