The Wandsworth Bridge Road Association has become aware that there are plans for the extension of the LTN / Traffic Reduction Scheme to the west of Wandsworth Bridge Road (WBR).
While this may be welcomed by some we have concerns for the impact this will have on the wider area, not only to residents but to the businesses as well.
As with most changes there are often knock-on effects that may not be considered during the planning phases. It is easy to overlook specific considerations that may not be obvious to those not living or working in the immediate area. This is where it becomes crucial that the engineers and planners hear from as much of the community as possible, and carry out extensive consultations. This will ensure that any unique factors in individual areas are carefully considered before an extension is implemented.
Working parties
LBHF Cllr Ben Coleman ( Twitter: @BJ_Coleman) has formed separate ‘Working parties’ to the east and west of WBR (Wandsworth Bridge Road). These groups are to discuss options for either improving or expanding the current scheme. We were invited to form a similar working party for the residents and businesses on WBR but have still had no confirmation as to our first meeting. This concerns us greatly considering the other working parties have already begun discussions.
We also have serious concerns that these ‘Working Parties’ are not sufficiently representative of their areas. For example, it seems the west working party consists primarily of those in the Peterborough Estate (just south of New Kings Road). It appears not to include anyone representing the southern areas (Carnwarth, Clancarty, Broomhouse, Hurlingham). Likewise the eastern working party is primarily people in the Bagleys Lane area and does not sufficiently represent Imperial Wharf or Townmead Road.
Working together
While we welcome the idea of forming working parties we believe it is essential that they fully represent their areas. We also believe it is essential that they all work together. Any decision made by one group will have far-reaching consequences for the whole area. Therefore, these groups cannot not work in isolation. If all the individual groups were aware of the specific issues faced by the wider area, that may not be obvious, it will help them make better decisions that consider the whole community, rather than just their specific street.
The South Fulham area is a vibrant and important community, serving as a local High Street to thousands of people. It is crucial that we come together in order to better understand each other’s needs and concerns in order to protect its residents and businesses.
So what can we do?
- Please email Cllr Ben Coleman ( Twitter: @BJ_Coleman) and stress to him the importance of bringing all working parties together to ensure they understand the wider implications.
- We also want to ensure that no changes will be made until we, the community, agree to them. To help us better understand your views please complete our new survey here.
This is only the first step in bringing our community together. If we work together we have an opportunity to bring positive, meaningful and better informed change to our home.
I’m concerned mostly about the proposed bus lane twixt Harwood and wbr on nkr. We need traffic to flow freely and this will cause long tailbacks for certain. Can’t see how we can do more for cyclists either.