Take action on the climate and ecological emergency and make your street prettier at the same time!

Did you know that LBHF Council are encouraging local residents to get started on their own door steps by planting flowers, herbs and shrubs at the BASES OF TREES in your local area?! We would love to see this in South Fulham! 

Plants provide much-needed food for pollinators and enhance biodiversity in our streets, parks and gardens. What’s more, they make our streets cleaner, greener and more pleasant places to live in. So let’s take up LBHF’s offer and get planting! 

Tips for planting in your tree base

Did you know you can plant in any tree base or unused space on council-owned land?

You can plant anything you like. Some great species to get started with include:

  • Euonymus fortune ‘Emerald Gaiety’ with all year round ground cover and copes with shade.
  • Sedum spectabile, Liriope Muscari and Rosemary and Lavender which are drought resistant.

It’s best to avoid spiky plants, pesticides and species of plants that might grow large and cause further complications.

Once you’ve chosen your spot, let the LBHF team know so their street cleaners don’t weed the space!

You can let them know by contacting their Cleaner Greener team on 020 8753 1100 or by emailing cleaner.greener@lbhf.gov.uk

We’d love to see the results! Tag us on social media: Twitter – Instagram