Members and Management Committee
Code of Conduct and Responsibilities


I will support the aims of the Wandsworth Bridge Road Association (WBRA) as set out in the WBRA Constitution document.

I will abide by the policies and procedures of the Association.

In as much as I am able, and/or willing to, I will offer my skills, experience and knowledge to the WBRA.

I will endeavour to stay as well-informed as possible of the latest communications, updates and recommendations from the WBRA.

I will respect organisational, Management Committee and individual confidentiality.

I acknowledge that any public comments I make about the WBRA are made as an individual and are not made on behalf of the WBRA, unless specifically sanctioned by the Management Committee.

I will always avoid bringing WBRA into disrepute. If I am found to have brought the Association into disrepute, or I am actively campaigning against the objectives of the Association, my Membership may be revoked.


  1. I will support the aims of the Wandsworth Bridge Road Association (WBRA) as set out in the WBRA Constitution document, championing them and using any skills or knowledge I have to further those aims and seeking expert advice where appropriate.
  2. I will develop and maintain a sound and up-to-date knowledge of Wandsworth Bridge Road and the surrounding area. This will include an understanding of how WBRA operates, the social, political and economic environment and the nature and extent of our work and objectives.
  3. I will be an active member of WBRA, making my skills, experience and knowledge available to the rest of the association and seeking to do any additional work I can outside meetings, including sitting on Sub-Committees or Working-Groups and running or attending events.
  4. I will act in the best interests of WBRA as a whole, and not as a representative of any one group – considering what is best for those who live, work and socialise on the Wandsworth Bridge Road, and its present and future beneficiaries. I will always avoid bringing WBRA into disrepute.
  5. I will actively engage in discussion, debate and voting in meetings; contributing in a considered and constructive way, listening carefully, challenging sensitively and avoiding conflict.
  6. I will participate in collective decision making, accept any decision of the Management Committee and will not act individually unless specifically authorised to do so.
  7. I will endeavour to work considerately and respectfully with all those I come into contact with at WBRA. I will respect diversity, listen to different opinions and avoid giving offence.
  8. I accept my responsibility to ensure that WBRA is well run and will raise issues and questions in an appropriate and sensitive way to ensure that this is the case.
  9. I will use the WBRA’s resources responsibly and when claiming expenses will do so in line with WBRA procedures as specified by the Treasurer.
  10. I will not gain materially or financially from my involvement with the WBRA, unless specifically authorised to do so.
  11. I will help to identify good candidates for strengthening the WBRA Management Committee and wider membership and share this information with the Committee.
  12. I will not make any potentially controversial public comments about the association unless authorised to do so. Any public comments I make about WBRA will be considered and in line with organisational policy, whether I make them as an individual or as a Member.
  13. If I cause offence and/or have a grievance brought against me, I agree to abide by the recommendations of the Management Committee.
  14. I recognise that the roles of Management Committee members, Sub-Committee/Working Groups members and general members of the association are different and I will seek to understand and respect the difference between these roles.
  15. I will seek to support and encourage all those I come into contact with at WBRA. In particular I recognise my responsibility to support the Management Committee and the Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and other Members.
  16. I will respect organisational, Management Committee and individual confidentiality, while never using confidentiality as an excuse not to disclose matters that should be transparent and open.
  17. I will maintain the confidentiality and security of member’s personal data in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
  18. I will abide by the policies and procedures of the association. This includes having a knowledge of the contents of the Constitution and all relevant policies and procedures. I will never act outside the law.
  19. I will seek to be accountable for my actions as a Management Committee member and will submit myself to whatever scrutiny is appropriate.
  20. Unless authorised, I will not put myself in a position where my personal interests conflict with my duty to act in the interests of the association. Where there is a conflict of interest, I will ensure that this is managed effectively in line with WBRA policy. I understand that a failure to declare a conflict of interest may be considered to be a breach of this code.
  21. I will attend all appropriate meetings and other appointments/events on behalf of WBRA or give apologies if I cannot attend. If I cannot regularly attend meetings I will consider whether there are other ways I can engage with WBRA.
  22. I will prepare fully for all meetings, events, appointments and work for WBRA. This will include being up-to-date with relevant information, querying anything I do not understand, thinking through issues before meetings and completing any tasks assigned to me in the agreed time.
  23. I will actively contribute towards improving the governance of the Management Committee and share any ideas for improvement with the Committee.


1. Chair
2. Secretary
3. Treasurer
4. Deputy Chair

The day-to-day running of the Association will be undertaken by all members of the Management Committee who will share and allocate responsibilities, skills and resources as needed.

1. Responsibilities of Chair

Starting AGM meetings on time, following the agenda and finishing the meeting on time.

Directing the meeting so that all views are heard without the meeting focusing on any one item.

Ensuring decisions are made by calling for a show of hands or secret vote and summarising the result so that everyone understands the result. Any actions must be clearly specified to ensure they can be minuted.

Preparing and delivering a report on the activities of WBRA for the previous year at the AGM.

Creating and sending out regular newsletters to WBRA members. (minimum of 4 per year).

2. Responsibilities of Secretary

Preparing the agenda for scheduled management committee meetings with Management Committee.

Ensuring previous 12 months records will be published at the AGM and published on the WBRA website and recorded as part of any AGM agenda each year.

Sending out the agenda, minutes and reports of meetings.

Working closely with the other Management Committee members to ensure actions agreed at meetings are followed.

Taking minutes at meetings or delegating minute-taking to a named individual.

Keeping up-to-date lists of members and contact details and dealing with correspondence including a welcome email for new members.

Filing all of the paperwork and any permit or grant applications associated with the association.

3. Responsibilities of Treasurer

Overseeing and controlling the group’s finances.

Ensuring there are enough cheque signatories and account administrators to allow funds to be safely and quickly released from the WBRA bank account when needed. Removing any signatories when they leave the Committee or take a leave of absence and appoint a replacement when necessary.

Checking and paying the group’s invoices and bills.

Ensuring all financial records are stored, maintained and backed up securely.

Keeping the group informed about the financial situation.

Co-ordinating and helping with funding applications.

Preparing the accounts at the end of each financial year.

Preparing and delivering a report on the group’s finances at the WBRA AGM.

Making sure group members are reimbursed promptly for any expenses they incur on the group’s behalf.

Ensuring that funds received are spent on the purposes for which they were given.


4. Responsibilities of Deputy Chair

Assuming the role of the Chair in their absence and supporting them where necessary in meetings.



Sub-Committees or Working Groups are created for a defined purpose or objective which must be clearly understood by all the members of the group. The Chair of the Sub-Committees / Working Group must ensure all members of the group understand this objective and the limits of their remit.

The Chair of the Sub-Committees / Working Group may invite persons with an area of expertise relevant to the working group’s objective to be part of the working group even if not a member of the WBRA, at which point they participate in an advisory role only and are non-voting.

The Chair of the working group must keep the Management committee regularly updated on progress of the group. The chair must make notes, or delegate note taking, on any meetings to update their group and the Management Committee.

The chair may represent their Sub-committee / Working Group to outside bodies with permission from the WBRA Management Committee.


Appendix: Recommendations for management committee roles:
The Chair – This person should be a good listener, who remains impartial in letting all views be heard.
The Secretary – In an association with no paid staff the role of secretary is critical, and needs someone who is efficient, with an eye for detail and has good administrative skills.
The Treasurer – Ideally the Treasurer should be a person who is good at figures, understands accounts and can explain accounts in clear and simple terms . The main role is to maintain a financial overview of the association.

Date last reviewed: Aug 2021. Next scheduled review date: Autumn 2021/ WBRA AGM