A cleaner, greener future for Wandsworth Bridge Road
Plans and commitments
In order to reduce pollution on Wandsworth Bridge Road (WBR) the volume of traffic, the time traffic spends on the road, and the most polluting vehicles must all be reduced. To this end the council has committed:
- To create “taps” at both the North & South entry points onto Wandsworth Bridge Road to “pulse” the traffic and control the volume.
- To constantly monitor live, real-time pollution on the road and in the event of dangerous peak pollution to take immediate steps to address it. (yet to be defined). The data is to be available online for all.
- To regularly wash down the streets and particularly during periods of atmospheric high-pressure to help eliminate particulates in the local atmosphere.
Putting People First
The WBR is the heart of South Fulham, not just a thoroughfare. It “belongs” to the people of Fulham; to walk down, shop on, eat and chat, go to school, cycle to work. It does not “belong” to vehicles to drive through. The council have committed to enhance WBR. This means:
- 20mph
- Pedestrian priority on the road with a greater number of enlarged pedestrian crossings.
- Safer cycle lanes. Today our road is used by TFL as an example of one of the most dangerous pinch points for cyclists in the whole of London!!
- Bike-parking facilities: to encourage our friends to cycle to the shops & cafes to meet us.
- Bus access onto WBR to be improved: Northbound on the bridge and Southbound with a dedicated bus lane on NKR between Harwood Road & WBR.
We are a community
WBR has a wealth of independent cafes, restaurants & shops many of whom have precious outside space which today is choked by pollution. Yet our road is (mostly) tree-lined and should be a pleasant place to be. As part of the enhancement of the road the council have committed to improve the green landscaping. This means:
- Green screens on strategic stretches where there is queuing traffic.
- Plant the missing Plane trees (circa 30+)
- Create pop-up parklets, planters & hanging baskets and review street furniture.
Working together
The WBRA supports the council in upholding their commitment to protect and enhance the WBR. We are currently in discussion with the council to agree a set of Pollution Parameters to define success. If pollution over time does not decrease significantly further measures will need to be taken to protect the health and wellbeing of all the residents of Fulham.